Anti-airbrushing with Shireen Jamil for Lumen

Following Jameela Jamil generating headlines about how photoshop was being ‘weaponised’ against older women (whereas men can grow old gracefully as ‘silver foxes’), we knew we had a media hijack opportunity for over 50s dating app, Lumen, part of the Bumble group.

Working with Jameela’s mother Shireen, who is in her 60s, we turned around an anti-airbrushing photoshoot in just a few days, showcasing the beauty of growing older. The campaign generated hundreds of articles (including ITV news, the Independent and Mail Online), an avalanche of downloads, and provided Shireen with a platform to discuss the important topic of domestic abuse, with her campaigning leading to a change in the law, removing the time limit on when abuse could be reported.